The repetition…

One repeat in words, verbs that are not converted into actions.

The repetition of words is proof of weakness. It proves that you have not taken any action.

Hence take action and avoid the repetition of words.

Another day with habits…

Days with habits are the best days… 

No future worries, 

No expectations,

No questions to do or not to do,

No anxieties riding along of failure 

No twisting of will powers,

Its a clean board – Because you are just doing it out of habit.


Setbacks can take you days backward. 

But let’s comeback, comeback again and the days will come.

Step Up…

It’s easier to step up your effort instead of pushing too hard.

If you want to learn something, step up daily, weekly, or at regular intervals. 

Give time daily and keep increasing the time in regular intervals to reach the required level.

Lost friendship…

Is friendship losing its grip?

Friendship is one of the deepest relationships and it grows mostly when you are face to face.

Long distance friendship is for a purpose and as soon as the purpose ends it shallows the relationship.

Earlier we use to meet and plan for things. Now we plan to meet.

So nothing new is lost in the world, except maybe friendship.

A line is bigger than a point…

A decision taken based on point data is not concrete. Whereas if you have data of continuous points i.e line, the decision will be more accurate.

Similarly beating yourself on point failures like not passing an exam or an interview is futile. It’s the continuous growth (line – even if it’s curvy) that matters.

Hence a line is always bigger than a point.