Decisions or Determination leads to success?

Is it the decisions u take or ur determination that leads to success?

Decisions: shall i give this exams?, whether i should participate?, shall i join this company or that?, there are so many decisions that comes in our way but does each decisions becomes so critical that we keep muling over it every time. We always keep pondering whether we have taken right decision or not. That analysis keeps on going on and on…

So here is the question: does our decision or our determination / hard work is more important for success? Whether its success in terms of job, money, career .. Go thru any of your past decision and think even if it was wrong decision but you were determined to work and achieve something you would have done it.
May be not in first attempt but if you really want something and are determined to achieve it. YOU will achieve it..

So its your determination your will to achieve something that will decide whether you succeed, not your past decisions, or for that matter future decisions and or failures! Stop pondering ur pasts, and work hard to achieve what u want..and dont worry on wrong decisions..

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston Churchill

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