To Have More “Aha” Moments, Find Solitude

Have you ever had a brilliant idea while taking a shower, or knitting, or working out? “Aha” moments tend to pop up when our minds are quiet and our consciousness is at rest. 

You can nurture these moments by creating an environment of silence and solitude. No matter how busy you are, do your best to take breaks between meetings and find some alone time. Go to an empty conference room or, even better, leave the office and take a walk outside. Once you’ve reached a quiet spot, ignore what’s going on around you and focus on your inner thoughts. Put your phone on airplane mode to completely disconnect for a block of time. 

This will allow your mind to truly wander, so your brain won’t miss the next lightbulb moment when it happens.

Don’t Say “Change Is Hard” When You’re Asking People to Change

When a change initiative hits a roadblock, leaders often remind people that “change is hard.” But that old saw can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Momentary setbacks or delays can be viewed as the dead canary in the coal mine, and suddenly, employees disengage en masse. Instead, try flipping the script.

In a University of Chicago study, researchers were able to change participants’ mindsets by reminding them that most people improve with a little bit of effort. The results? Study participants were quicker to identify the upsides of change than the downsides. Instead of accepting that initiatives rarely succeed, remind yourself and your team that you’ve all been learning new skills and adapting to new environments for your entire lives.

And every time you feel the impulse to say “Change is hard,” make a different claim, one that is every bit as accurate: Adaptation is the rule of human existence, not the exception.

Dislike Networking? Try This Tip!

Are you someone who dreads the idea of networking? The thought of engaging in small talk and mingling with strangers can be quite overwhelming. But fear not, networking doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Here’s a helpful strategy to navigate these uncomfortable situations:

Seek out fellow hesitant networkers. Remember, you’re not alone in feeling this way. When attending an in-person event, take a moment to observe your surroundings. Chances are, you’ll find someone standing alone or in a group but not actively participating in conversations. Approach them and strike up a conversation.

Transform networking into a game. If you’re an introvert, try adopting the persona of an extroverted character in a video game. Challenge yourself to earn points by initiating conversations with new people. It may sound a bit silly, but this imaginative approach can be surprisingly effective.

Discover shared interests. Instead of worrying about how to make small talk, focus on finding common ground with the person you’re conversing with. Prior to networking events, take some time to consider your own hobbies and interests, such as gardening, reading, or learning new technologies. This way, you can steer conversations toward topics you feel comfortable discussing.

Reframe your perception of networking. Networking doesn’t always mean meeting new people. Consider reaching out to friends from previous jobs or colleagues you’ve had limited contact with. Propose a low-pressure gathering, like meeting for coffee or scheduling a casual Zoom call. This allows you to connect with familiar faces and build relationships in a more relaxed setting.

By implementing these tips, you can redefine your networking experience and make it less intimidating. Remember, everyone has their own unique approach to networking, so find what works best for you.

How do you learn?

This is one of the most critical questions I ask in an interview. 

Of course, you want to bring in employees with impressive achievements and qualifications. Still, a person’s future performance will largely be determined by how intentionally and systematically they develop their skills. So let’s spend some time digging into the question of learning during the interview process.

Ask the candidate about something they’ve learned recently and how they could apply it to the role you’re considering them for.

Be open-minded about what counts as learning. It is one of the most critical parameters to emphasize the importance of learning. 

Build Learning into Team’s Culture…

How can you help your team learn in the flow of work? Here are three strategies to try. 

Build constructive feedback.

To start, build constructive feedback into your team’s regular workflows. Allot time in meeting agendas and project calendars to consider what worked well and what would make the process and outcomes even better. Proactively showing your team what they’re doing well will increase confidence and prompt people to continue stretching their potential. 

Normalise making mistakes.

Next, normalize making mistakes so employees fear them less and learn from them more. Encourage them to quickly share with someone else when they mess up, focusing on the question: What did you learn from that mistake? To model this behavior, you might start your monthly team meeting by sharing an insight you learned from a mistake you made. 

Encourage experimentation.

Finally, encourage experimentation. Show your team that you’re open to their pitches and willing to prototype and pilot good ideas. You might ask: What is one idea for improvement that would support you in achieving your objectives for this quarter? To make that idea happen, what would you need to start, stop, or change? And how could you test that idea quickly? Asking your employees to think outside the box will stoke learning and development on your team.

0 or Nothing…

There is a difference between a 0 or “Nothing”.

In “Nothing” you didn’t even try, the race doesn’t exist for you. Or you don’t exist. 

In “0” you were in the race, you but failed.

Mistaking one with another can be futile because in “Nothing” you don’t have any control, whereas in “0” you can control and win.

Be wise to choose what is “Nothing” and what is “0”, so that you can focus and give all your effort to “0”.