Work is worship?

Can we still say work is worship today?

Even though it is interspersed with mobile, media & what-nots,

Even though it is tainted with materialistic gains,

Even though it is maligned with people’s politics,

Even though it is mixed with fear of our bosses to judge, 

Even though it has to be picked up from the leftover of others,

But in the end, if you are getting work, be grateful and worship it.

Because at least you are progressing in this chaos with your work!


Take a pause,

Hold still,

Enjoy the time,

Enjoy present,

You will never get this time back,

So ride along with it,

Be in the present.

Be considerate but don’t be fearful…

Consideration for others is reasonable but not to the level of being fearful. At the same time be considerate of everyone whether it is:

friend or foe, 

boss or subordinate, 

senior or junior, 

rich or poor.

And most of it all be considerate of yourself.

How to improve your presentation immediately…

Follow these rules to immediately improve your presentation.

  • Make slides that reinforce your words not repeat them.
  • Create slides that demonstrate, with emotional proof, that what you’re saying is true, not just accurate.
  • No more than six words on a slide. EVER.
  • Don’t use cheesy images, use proper stock images.
  • No dissolves, spins, or other transitions. Keep it simple.
  • Surprise them – Put up a slide that triggers an emotional reaction in the audience. Let them sit up and want to know what you’re going to say that fits in with that image.

Keep These Negotiation Tactics Top of Mind

As a leader, you need to be fluent in negotiation—even if you’re not currently sitting in the C-suite. Whether you’re negotiating the terms of a project, your next salary, or a corporate acquisition, here are some key principles to keep in mind.

  • Justify your offer. Negotiators who provide explanations for their proposals are more likely to reach agreements than those who don’t. Even if your offer is too low, a compelling, well-reasoned justification demonstrates to your counterpart that you’ve given considerable thought to your offer and that it’s well-informed.
  • Frame your proposal. The context surrounding an offer can influence its perceived value and, ultimately, the negotiation’s outcome. Don’t just say a big number—tell a compelling story.
  • Be prepared to assess “anchors.” A powerful tool in negotiation, anchors are the initial reference point that influences the perceived value of the thing being negotiated. Come prepared to assess whether an anchor price is too high or too low, or to set the right anchor price yourself.
  • Leave emotions at the door. Both overly positive and negative emotions could lead you to make irrational, counterproductive decisions (like overlooking risks, making aggressive demands, or making extreme offers that you can’t back up).
  • Negotiate process, not just price. Focus on setting ground rules for the deal, agreeing on a timeline, and establishing the roles and responsibilities of each party. When the process is negotiated in good faith and agreed upon by both sides, it can help establish a sense of fairness and transparency.

Enjoy the means…

What if you can enjoy the means and don’t worry about the ends.

Most of our time goes in the means to the end. The “ends” specifically the successful ends are few and overrated. Because as soon as you get to a successful end you want another one.

So enjoy the means as much as you can!

Can there be a set path to success?

To have a set path to success, there are a few things that should happen:

  1. The end goal should be constant i.e. for you and me the success end goal should be the same, but most of the time end goal changes, in fact, it changes almost as soon as you are closer to it.
  2. With the changes in our environment, our life, and our equation with other people, we are in a constant mode of evaluation, evaluating whether this is a successful state or not. Since this becomes a factor of the environment that keeps changing, it’s hard to define a fixed success path.
  3. You outgrow your success as soon as you attain it, imagine when you were younger, what was your dream? When I was in college my dream was to get a high-paying job, a really good high-class house or apartment, and a decent car, and then I am done. But as soon as I attended this, the need become more, it became greed..and more …and more…

There is only one way to have a fixed path to success and that is to change your mind, to change it to view success in small things, to view success in daily things, to view success in growth, to view success in learnings.