Love Criticism…

Criticism is our friend.

Criticism can be harsh but cleansing. 

Criticism can be emotional.

Criticism can be ruining.

But Criticism helps us grow.

So let’s use Criticism and not shy away from it. 

Let it go thru us, let it help us in the best way possible.

In the end, Criticism gives us victory, it is the only thing that remains with us…always…

So let’s “Love Criticism”!


Memories are good.

Memories are whimsical.

They let us thrive in despair.

They let us laugh in the gloom.

They let us cry in happiness.

They let us suffer in success.

They let us beat ourselves for nothing.

They let us beat ourselves for others.

They let us choose if we want to choose.

They let us be happy if we choose!

Blurred Path…

Don’t expect the path to be always clear;

Clear paths are easy but if it continues,

There are no chances of serendipities. 

There are no chances of innovations.

There are no chances of breakthroughs. 

Humankind owes a lot to the blurred path.

So grab the blurred path as leverage points and opportunities.

We respect anything that bores…

We respect anything that bores, that’s complex and that’s out of our minds.

Why not embrace that’s simple, that’s reachable, that’s playful?

Because it’s simple, we think we are missing something. 

Life can’t be this simple.

But, I hope in life it is as simple or as difficult as we make of it.