Anger & Resentment eats human energy bar…

Life Energy Bar

A day without anger (resentment) is the most productive day. We accomplish most on that day in comparison and are more energetic at the end of the day.

All the talk about focus and increasing productivity is thrown away the moment we meet anger or resentment.

Observe a day and notice that the more we feel angry or resented about things or people, the day becomes more exhausting.

It’s like a video (computer) game, you have an energy bar when you start and anger keeps eating the bar till you bleed out at the end.


If its chronic anger (resentment) start taking baby steps to solve it.

If its instant anger, ignore the triggers or control it. check – Different ways to control anger.

Hence to win a day one at a time, start by resolving to be less angry and resenting that day.

Being Angry…

Does being angry serve any useful purpose?

If it does, are there classes you can take or experiences you can pay for that help you become angry? We have gyms to get fit and mindfulness exercises to get calm, but I’m not sure I’m seeing a widespread movement toward seeking angriness.

So, if being angry is simply a side effect of something else we do or are done to us. And if it’s not actually useful, why do we work so hard to amplify the anger we feel? Why create a narrative in our mind, push hard against the powerless scenarios or the stuck pickle jar simply to make ourselves even angrier?

The only person who is getting taught a lesson is us. And most of the time its too late to regret back the “Being Angry” phase…