Focus on the Positives…

Any situation whether its career-related, personal or social we tend to focus on negatives.

“Oh! I don’t know this topic what will happen in Job Interview? “, “let me skip this interview”

“I am not good looking enough to meet her/him”

“My English is not good enough to speak”

There are many such statements that goes in our mind. The main reason to focus on negatives is our ego, in other terms fear of failure. It pushes us to edge, why this happens to me? “The Ego Ahem”

As an intellectual, we always turn to logic in failures while in the success we assume it’s because of self. Whereas this might not be always true.

In any environment, there will be positives and negatives, it’s our choice to focus on one. So which one to focus? Why?

There is a 50% chance of success or failure whether you select positives or negatives. Our best bet is to focus on positives because that’s where we are good at!

Also focusing on positives makes us happier and we are willing to work harder.

Hence let’s focus on positives, be happy and achieve success more often than failures.